Q: How long does it take?
A: Regular service averages 2-4 working days, and rush service is completed from within one hour to two days.
Q: What if the Address is bad?
A: We can locate a new address for an additional fee. Please complete this request form and email it to our office.
Q: How many addresses will you go to?
A: Our fee is per address. We will attempt at as many additional addresses as you want.
Q: How many times will you go to the address to attempt service?
A: We will make up to three (3) attempts of service in metropolitan areas. Service in rural areas will be on a case by case basis.
Q: What happens if the person or company can not be served by the due date set by the court?
A: You will need to get the court date reset and submit a new request to our office.
Q: Do you do stake outs? If so, where and when, how much?
A: Yes, we provide this service. We do stake outs in any city, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The fee needs to be discussed with a representative of the office.
Q: Do you provide a proof of service or affidavit?
A: Yes.
Q: Does the proof or affidavit need to be notarized?
A: Only if you, or your state requires a notarized signature.
Q: Do you file the proof of service or affidavit?
A: Yes, we can do this. An additional fee may apply. Please speak with a representative of the office.
Q: How many days do I have to get my documents served?
A: The counties and states all have different rules, consult the local court clerk or a representative of our office.
Q: Do I need to prepay for the service(s)?
A: No, but we will not release details, or the proof of service until payment is received.
If you would like to submit your request now, please click here for one of our available forms. If you would like to speak with one of our representatives regarding your needs, please call (855) 545-1303 or click on the live chat link in the lower right-hand corner.