In need of a subpoena server or state process server? Process Server One can get the job done quickly and correctly every time. We’ve provided nationwide subpoena preparation and service since 1988.

Process Server One can guarantee same-day, next-day, or weekend service for all legal documents. Gain an early advantage in your case today by serving legal documents using our certified process servers. We know what to do when individuals or corporations try to avoid being served legal papers; choose the best process service company, Process Server One, to get anyone to see you in court immediately. Our witty and cunning process servers will outsmart any elusive defendant so you can consider them served!

We only use experienced process servers familiar with local, state and national laws, ensuring your papers are served quickly and legally within the proper time constraints.

In fact, we have among the most knowledgeable and professional subpoena servers in the industry.

We can prepare and serve your trial, deposition and record subpoenas. And, we use state-of-the-art resources to ensure that our clients always know exactly when a party has been served.

Texas subpoena and deposition domestication expert

When you use Process Server One as your subpoena process service, you’ll find the judicial system can make a faster decision with all the information they need right at hand.

Submit your request now! Just click here. If you’d like to speak with one of our representatives about your needs, call us today at (855) 545-1303, or click on the live chat link located in the lower right hand corner.