At Process Server One, we are Leon county process servers that can guarantee same-day, next-day, or weekend service for all legal documents in Leon county. Gain an early advantage in your case today by serving Leon county legal documents using our Leon county process servers. We know what to do when individuals or corporations try to avoid being served legal papers; choose the best Leon county process service company, Process Server One, to get anyone to see you in court immediately. Our witty and cunning Leon county process servers will outsmart any elusive defendant so you can consider them served!
We Are An Experienced, Licensed, and Bonded Leon County Process Service Company
Leon County Process Service
We’re the Leon county process service company with more than 30 years of experience serving every document you need. As leaders of Leon county process service, we live and breathe the local and federal laws that govern your area. We know all the ways to serve legal papers and help you effectively serve anyone located anywhere to begin your case without breaking any rules. We have databases that help us search for, identify, and locate your defendant to serve your legal documents without trespassing or stepping out of bounds on your behalf. Serve all legal documents fast and effectively by working with our Leon county process service experts in all cities and census-designated places of Leon county.
- Small Claims
- Bank Levies
- Personal Subpoenas
- Wage Garnishments
- Writs of Execution
- Restraining Orders
- Evictions & Foreclosures
- Summons Complaints
- Court Filings
- Cross Complaints
- Record Subpoenas
- Notices
- Letters
- Probate Matters
- Family Law
Leon County Process Server - We Serve Legal Documents to the Following Cities in Leon County
No matter how small or large the matter is, there are rules that everyone plays by when taking someone to court. 9 out of 10 users recommend our Leon county process servers to their clients, business associates, family members, and friends. One mistake can lead to your case being dismissed, so why risk it? All census-designated places benefit from our Leon county process service. As the leading specialists of process service in Leon County, FL, you’ll be on your way to a fair ruling in no time compared to other process servers for the following cities and places:
- Tallahassee
How to Get Started Serving Your Legal Documents in Leon County Now
As a One-Time User
If you have one Leon county process service assignment, follow these short steps:
Step 1 – Submit a process service request online by completing the forms and uploading any related documents at
Step 2 – We will issue an invoice for the work to be completed. Once paid, we begin your process service immediately.
Step 3 – The documents will be served per your request.
Step 4 – After we serve your documents, you’ll immediately receive a Proof of Service by email. Please note, we do not normally file your Proof of Service with the court. If you want this done (for an additional fee) you must tell us at the time you submit your request.
Attorneys, Law Firms, Insurance Companies, and Business Organizations
If you would like to become a client and use us on a regular basis, these are the steps:
Step 1 – Begin by registering an account with Process Server One, and we’ll give you a username and password to access our online portal. We will bill you according to the arrangements made with your office. To create an account with us, visit this link
Step 2 – Log into our online portal and upload the service documents and any information that helps us serve your documents as fast as possible.
Step 3 – We‘ll begin your process service immediately and the documents will be served upon your request.
Step 4 – After we serve your documents, you’ll be notified by email and the Proof of Service will be available through the online portal for your retrieval. Please note, we do not normally file your Proof of Service with the court. If you want this done (for an additional fee) you must tell us at the time you submit your request.
Just fill out the form below for a free consultation. We’re here 24/7.
Click Here
Call us (855) 545-1303
Fax 833-329-8687
Click our live chat link on lower right corner of this page.
We’re ready to serve!
You can submit your Leon county process service request immediately! If you’d like to speak with a licensed Leon county process server about your case, call us today at (855) 545-1303, or click on the live chat link located in the lower right-hand corner.
Leon County Process Service Company Resources
Where are the courthouses in Leon County?
Leon County Courthouse
301 S. Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: 850-577-4000